Luvbug's 1st plane ride!

SNL regrouped last night and produced a much better show after an embarrassing low the week prior*. Enjoy the clip below!

*Kings of Leon was fantastico!

Here is a great new song I heard the other day. For fans of Toad the Wet Sprocket. Enjoy!

Carry me, Ohio - Sun Kil Moon

These guys make me happy...

"Going back to Cali, styling, profiling, growling, and smiling, while in the sun..."

I thought I would give a shout out (blogger style) that we are coming back to town in a week. It will be a fun-filled family trip that will involve some much needed face time with our loved ones, but who are we kidding, luvbug is the real star in this here story. We will try and make our rounds to SB and the SS gang, so be on the lookout*.

I can't wait to visit some of our SB staples...Super Cucas, Palazzio, Edomasa, oh my!

* Hopefully I'll be able to fit in a rousing game of ultimate, which is a scary thought in it's own right being that I haven't participated any sport since leaving CA.

That's what she said! Thanks JR, this made my day...

Nader -- Brilliant ad, but I don't think this will translate into any votes;)

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler hit it out of the park! Welcome back...

His 20 second video debut. Take it away kid...

Luvbug Speaks from El Duderino on Vimeo.

"I was only joking.."

Luvbug is down with the Smiths!

My B-day is fast approaching, so for any of you that are having a hard time wondering what gift you can give me, here are some ideas below*:

-iTunes Gift card
-Apple Store Gift card
-Best Buy Gift card

That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

*This post is directed to the select few that are actually entertaining such ideas. This, by no means should make you feel obligated to buy me anything. Most of you can probably attest to this, but the older you get, the less you care about receiving gifts**.

**Really, just send me an email -- that will make me happy.