It's crazy to think that this time last year we were venturing through Europe -- from the land of the Tuscan sun -- to the rolling hills of Bier-steins and Spaetzle. We were in Germany in the last bit of the tour for a friends wedding that also happened to fall on Ian's first birthday. Luckily for us, everybody that was sitting at our table at the reception joined in and sang Happy Birthday to the little guy -- in English! Though I remember it just like yesterday, it just goes to show you how fast time passes by -- and here we are now a year later and he is turning two -- wow!

We have been prepping Ian about his birthday for the last couple of weeks, but he has only really started to catch on in the last couple of days. We keep telling him, "Ian, how old are you going to be?" and he would look at us like a deer caught in headlights. We'd then follow that question up with, "Two, you're going to be two, buddy" and would hold our hands up with two fingers like making a peace sign. In the last two days though, he has been responding in spades. He has traded the deer caught in headlights look to holding his hands up in the air and will repeat, "I be two, I be two daddy." It's pretty funny watching him try and hold up just the two fingers; he basically holds up the index and middle finger and only slightly curls the others, but you know, whatever works for him works for me. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, and I can't believe that my little guy is going to be two years old. Happy b-day my little man -- daddy loves you mucho!

Happy New Year everyone! Goodbye 2009, and hello 2010! May this year bring much joy and happiness to all, and I hope to God that the rumors regarding the iPhone & T-mobile are true. Make it happen Steve!

Here's a picture of our house after it snowed on Monday.