We took this video last week when it was in the 90's. This was the buggy's first time in his trunks and he had a blast!

The bugs and the sprinkler from El Duderino on Vimeo.

Looking for a new job? Tired of the amount of time it takes to find what you're looking for? Well, then, look no further because I have a solution for you! Ok, now that I have your attention and got the whole smarmy infomercial salesman pitch out of the way, I'll explain where I'm going with this.

I've been looking for a new job recently and found that there are a lot of helpful sites out there to aid my search. While I primarily have been looking at such sites as Craigslist, Monster, and Indeed (which is a great site, BTW), the task at hand can be labor intensive and cumbersome. A great way to streamline this effort is to compile RSS (Real Simple Syndication) feeds from your job searches. Couple that with a RSS reader to house them and you'll be on your way as a more efficient job searcher!

For example, go to Craiglist and type in "Office Administrator" in the "search craiglist" box and pull the drop-down menu to the "jobs" section.

Next, hit enter or click on the > symbol and then scroll down to the bottom right hand corner of the results page where you will see a "RSS" link.

Click on this and then choose the reader that will house your feeds (I use Google Reader, so for this post I'll use this as the example). Select "Add to Google Reader" and you're done!

For Indeed (or any site that supports RSS), it's essentially the same thing. Enter in the key word like the one above in the "what" box and then click the "Find Jobs" button.

On the next page where the job listings appear, scroll to the right hand column and click on the "RSS Job Feed" link.

I have used RSS feeds for a while now, but for some reason didn't think to use this feature for my job searches. Now, in Google Reader I have a separate folder designated for all of these and have eliminated the need to go these sites separately, which in turn has sufficiently cut the amount of time down and made things a whole lot easier on myself because it's all in a centralized location. I realize that most of you already know these hints, but it's always good to throw this out there so that everyone is in the know.

Yesterday, we (the fam) decided to go to a baseball game here in town. I've been wanting to go for a few months now, but for whatever reason, we just haven't got around to it. I've been to a number of big league games, but this was the first time going to a minor league game, and for Ian, it was his very first time at a baseball game period!

Once we arrived at the park, we decided to get the cheap GA tickets, which usually means nose bleed at a big league park, but here it was the equivalent of the back row of field level seats at Dodger stadium! A bonus for us was the fact that you could sit anywhere in the GA section (which includes the outfield seats and family deck right by the left field foul pole). There wasn't that many people there because it was a day game being played during a weekday, so what that meant for us was first row seats in GA, almost right behind home plate -- awesome! If you haven't been to a game at PGE park*, then you should know that there isn't a bad seat in the house.

A couple of things to note about minor league games:

- There are activities, games, or what-have-you between each inning on the field. This translates really well if you have little ones. Any distraction to keep 'em interested for as long as possible goes a long way. Even if you don't bring the family, it's still entertaining.
- Tickets are relatively cheaper (depending on where you sit, of course).
- On average, the speed pitchers throw are a little slower than the major leagues. The starting pitcher was throwing consistently around 85mph, the middle reliever was getting upwards to 93mph, and the second middle reliever for the opposing team threw a measly 75 mph. Geez, I can almost throw that fast! *ahem*
- Dudes can still hit it a mile! A guy for the opposing team hit a moon blast in the second inning to right field. It must have been at least a 450-500 footer.

All in all, it was a great game to be at, we witnessed a couple of homers, AND the home team won. I'm already pumped about the prospects of going to another game -- who's in?!?

* The Beavers (Baseball) and Timbers (Soccer) currently share the place.

Is it me, or is anyone else annoyed by the health care debates that are being played out on the cable networks lately (I don't really have cable, it's just everywhere you go on the internets these days)? It's not so much the debates or town hall meetings that are taking place (which is actually a good thing), it's the airtime that is given to the fringe crazies that are supposedly mad at something, but never really articulate what they are made about. Is it fear of Socialism, Communism, State controlled health care, ants in your pants? What? Well, luckily we have Jon Stewart to bring balance to the force and show us a lighter side to the whole debate.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorSpinal Tap Performance

William Jefferson Airplane
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorSpinal Tap Performance

The second clip is OT, but I had to share because it's one of my favorites of the year!

Hey, you made it!!! Happy Birthday luvbug! What a year, what a birthday, and what a little man you are becoming:). Since we didn't have a birthday party for you here in the states like normal people do, we decided to celebrate in style, in Germany! Ok, so we were there for a wedding which also happened to be on your birthday, but that's neither here nor there. We were at the wedding for almost 12 hours, yet we're the first people to leave. What a bunch of sissy's us American's are, sheesh. Even the 90 year old grandma's outlasted us!!! We sang happy birthday to you at the second reception and everyone at our table including surrounding ones joined in. Mind you, we sang it in English and yet that didn't seem to deter anyone as most of the people there spoke the language perfectly.

As the day came to a close, I began to reflect on the years events and reminded me of how fast time goes by. Though this is a bit cliche, I honestly do remember the minute you were born like it was yesterday. The joy I felt at that moment has only increased with every passing day and I can only image how that love will grow with each new phase in your life.

Speaking of new phases, you finally decided to crawl like a normal baby. By normal baby, I mean crawling on your hands and knees. Up until this moment, you've been army crawling with your belly dragging on the floor. We were about a week into our trip when all of a sudden you decided that the former was the better avenue and went with it. You still use the army crawl when you need to get somewhere quick, but that is becoming few and far between. You can hold yourself up on furniture and move side-to-side with relative ease, so it would appear that walking is in the cards pretty soon. You have four teeth that are almost fully grown in and two on the top that are just about to break though. Going from no teeth to almost six in just over two months is quite a jump, but I'll take you eating table food any day. The transition to table food before our trip was a life saver and really made things easier on that front. You have added a couple of words to your arsenal, but to our disappointment, do not like to say "uh-oh" as much. Since that was your first spoken word, it will always be endearing to us, but you have moved on and so can we. You have a deep belly laugh that is infectious, and it doesn't take much to get you or myself going. Matter of fact, sometimes you just laugh for no apparent reason. Case in point, we were driving last night to get some tasty Thai food and just started laughing in your car seat on the way over. I should add that your car seat is still rear facing, so you were basically staring at the seat in front of you and thought that it was hilarious. We all know how funny car seats are, don't we?

Let's see, new tricks...you give hugs now, can sign 'more' and 'all done' during feeding time, and can clap or wave on command. You love to open and close doors, can play Peek-a-Boo for hours, will blow kisses if we ask you to, and will bob side-to-side when we sing to you. You love it when music is played and will dance up a storm when a tune comes on. It doesn't matter if the song is any good, all you care about is that you get your jig on and all is well in your world.

Well, before we wrap things up here, think about this for a moment -- in just a years time you have been to four different countries (Canada, Italy, Switzerland, and Germany), yet I didn't get on a plane until I was 18 and hadn't been overseas until our trip with you. Not a bad feat there little fella and I'm sure will be a good story for you as you get older. All in all, it has been the greatest year of my life and you buggy, have been everything that I could have hoped for. You are a gentle spirit son, one that is full of life and incredibly fun to be around, but above all else, you are my best friend. Here's to another great year!

Other tidbits: Favorite foods are hot dogs, string cheese, gold fish crackers, and pears, but will pretty much eat what ever you put in front of him. Let's just say that he is an adventurous eater.

One last interesting tidbit, I swear: If you look at the picture closely, you'll see that our camera is on the table. Well, we had the video taken care of and thought that the grandparents were going to be taking pictures from their camera. Turns out that they took video too, so that meant there were no pictures to show for on his 1st birthday. Brilliant! I take full responsibility for that mishap, but luckily I was able to grab a still in iMovie from the video that we took thanks to this helpful hint on the internets. Phew, for a minute there, I lost myself...!

I haven't finished the recap of our trip yet, but while you wait for that I have posted pictures here. Sorry, I just uploaded almost every picture I took and didn't really have the time to edit/delete the ones that shouldn't be there. Enjoy!