An eye-popping story regarding melamine found in baby formula -- in the US!

"The FDA's test results, which the agency hid from the public and only released after the Associated Press filed a Freedom of Information Act request. Up to 90 percent of the infant formula sold in the United States may be contaminated with trace amounts of melamine, the toxic chemical linked to kidney damage, according to recent tests."

Happy Monday to you all!

- Fed bails out Citibank, and then promptly gives a middle finger to the auto industry.

- Shocker! GNR's new album is banned in China. Why don't you add us to the list while you're at it.

- If you're in the market for an HDTV, then read this article first.

Oh boy, take a look at my new trick:).

I'll keep the updates coming as long as there is something to report on. Here's the latest:

"Lance, Inc. today announced that it has obtained approval from the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware to be the "stalking horse" bidder for the primary assets of snack food companies Archway Cookies LLC and Mother's Cake and Cookie Co..."

I came across this great story in the LA times yesterday about the Westmont soccer team. Well done Plaschke! Oh, and make sure you have some tissues near by.

Double oh -- in case you haven't heard, apparently the Tea Fire was accidentally set by some "students". Uh oh. Read on.

This will be the best 10 minutes of your life, I guarantee it. Watch this clip of Peter Schiff talking about the coming economic crises, which was compiled from t.v. interviews from the past two years. Some of his opponents said some real howlers, even coming from a respectful person as Ben Stein -- Bueller, Bueller, anyone? Disclaimer: some of his predictions are a little creepy, as in almost to the exact month creepy. You've been warned!

Portland is partying like a mutha right now and it's time to pop the bubbly good stuff! We did it folks, the youngsters came out in force today and well, the rest is history. When the clock struck eight tonight, Obama was officially crowned, and our neighborhood erupted in jubilation -- man, I love this city.

The realization of this historic night started to sink in a little after president elect scrolled across the t.v screen, and really, I was just a teary eyed mess after that. What a great night, what an amazing speech, and...did you see Oprah?!? Having said that, I'm officially exhausted, and am ready to give politics a much needed rest. In honor of Mr. November, here you go, a song about, well, Mr. November. Enjoy!

The National - Mr. November

...Or shall I say, go out and Barack the vote.