New lovebug developments:

- sits up on his own
- chats it up like his name is Kathy
- loves him some apple sauce w/rice cereal
- is starting to get the hang of the jumperoo
- smiles like crazy

I give him another month to month and half before he starts crawling, but right now he seems pretty content with his new tricks. Every day I wake up and realize how lucky I am to spend the day taking care of him and I try and take it all in as much as I can, but at the same time, it's still hard to believe that it has been seven months already -- wow!


  1. Anonymous said...

    He's awesomely cute! Can't wait to meet him.

  2. Portland Dad said...

    He is super cute, cute enough to get more then a once a month posting. Come one Dad!

  3. El Duderino said...

    Yeah, I know, this here blog is being neglected for sure...and thanks for the nice comments guys!