I received some (not so) insider information regarding the release of the 10th anniversary edition of The Big Lebowski. According to the Lebowski Fest guys, the DVD is going to drop on the 9th of Sept with some of the following bonus material:

+ The Dude's Life: Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi and John Turturro take a look back at their performances, costumes, and how the diction and delivery of dialogue were crafted into classic movie lines.

+ The Dude Abides: The Big Lebowski Ten Years Later: The central cast reflect on the film's cult status, including how people stop them on the streets to discuss their roles.

+ The Lebowski Fest: An Achiever's Story: An in-depth look at the popular Lebowski Fest enjoyed by thousands of people year after year.

+ Flying Carpets & Bowling Pin Dreams: The Dream Sequences of The Dude: From aerial flights over Los Angeles with his bowling ball, to the large scale "Busby Berkley" dance sequences with the bowling pin-headed dancers, this piece will examine how these innovative scenes were constructed.

+ Interactive Map: See the locations of The Big Lebowski, then and now.



  1. Sparky said...

    wahhooo is right. Cant wait for that one.

  2. El Duderino said...

    Yeah, I can barely contain my excitement. The DVD apparently comes in a limited edition bowling ball as well, so get 'em while their hot! You can also check out this site for more info here:
