I'm no longer a Californian. Yes folks, I just received my Oregon Drivers license today, which is exciting on its own merit, but is also sad in a way since I'm losing apart of my identity. I will always be a Californian at heart, but on paper, Oregon is where the home is. So, what does this all mean? I'm not sure, other than having to look at this flimsy 12-year-old-could-make-a-better license now, it doesn't mean much to me. I must say though, that the current picture is much better than the 18 year thug that occupied my California space. Anyone that has seen that picture knows exactly what I'm talking about.

On the baby front, Ian has been a trooper and is an amazing little guy. He is calm, cool, collected, and everything I hoped he would be. Other than the necessary demands (a thing called pooh, and some good 'ol mothers milk) of life, he really doesn't cry much. He has been sleeping around 3-4 hr stints at night, so I feel relatively rested. Of course, not working has helped some. As I look over to the couch next to me, he is sprawled out on his mothers belly, eyes closed, mouth open and looking oh-so-cute. I love him lots and can't wait to see how he progresses in the coming months.


  1. Anonymous said...

    Man I'm so happy for you guys. It's such a blessing to hear about you being a dad. I love you guys and hope to be able to see you sometime soon before the lil guy gets too big.

  2. El Duderino said...

    Thanks K! The last week 1/2 has been incredible. We miss you guys too and hope to see you soon.